Christ Methodist Church Whistle-Blowing Policy
Christ Methodist Church (CMC) Whistle-Blowing Policy provides a platform for individuals to disclose any observed improprieties that involve Christ Methodist Church (‘CMC’) employees, Local Church Executive Committee (‘LCEC’) members, leaders and volunteers, and/or related entities without fear of reprisal.
All instances of whistle-blowing will be independently reviewed and investigated by an Investigative Team led by the Governance Committee. Results of investigation will also be reported to the LCEC. As a result of an investigation, we may identify wrongdoing (being conduct that is dishonest, corrupt, illegal, or concealment of such conduct) and will take necessary action if required.
Whistle-blowers should report their concerns in good faith. The whistle-blower’s identity and the concerns raised will be kept confidential, unless as required by the law to be revealed to parties such as lawyers, the police or investigators.
Types of Improprieties
Reportable improprieties include the following:
- Financial accounting – fraud, bribery, questionable practices or policies
- Legal matters – violation of the law, such as theft, drug sale or use, violence or threatened violence and property damage
- Ethics – corruption, forgery, theft, serious misconduct, concealment or deliberate failure to report a known breach
- Abuse of power – retaliation, harassment, discrimination, misusing church resources for personal gain
- Immoral conduct – sexual misconduct, cheating, lying
General complaints and grievances over service quality, ministry deficiency, operational matters, HR policy, staff development review, interpersonal conflict with an employee, unhappiness over private conduct of fellow CMC congregational members etc. are not matters for whistle-blowing. These concerns should be taken up separately with church leaders and pastors.
Reporting Channels
Postal: Attention: Chairperson (Governance Committee)
Christ Methodist Church
597 East Coast Road
Singapore 429082
Email: [email protected]
To enable CMC to effectively investigate your concerns, the following information should be provided, where possible:
- Your contact information;
- Name(s) of person(s)/entity(ies) involved;
- Your relationship with the reported person(s)/entity(ies);
- Detailed description of the impropriety (including date, time, location, methods and action/ behaviour);
- Period of time the impropriety had been perpetuated;
- Has any church leader or pastor been informed (if yes, please provide the notification date and contact information of the person notified);
- Physical evidence and any other information that may substantiate the impropriety.
We encourage whistle-blowers to provide their names and contact numbers to facilitate investigations. Steps to ensure confidentiality and fairness include limiting the number of people who have access to the details of a concern raised and information obtained through the investigation process, in order to verify the facts. Decisions concerning the investigation process and any action required are not made by the person alleged to have been involved the impropriety.